Anointed Pslams-4 Hours-Powerful Prayer for Every Situation bringing Blessings!-Play Again & Again.

Anointed Pslams-4 Hours-Powerful Prayer for Every Situation bringing Blessings!-Play Again & Again.

📖 Anointed Psalms for Prayer, Healing & Breakthrough | 4 Hours of Worship & Blessings 🙏 🔔 Subscribe & Turn On Notifications so you never miss a prayer that brings divine protection, peace, and blessings! 🌟 Play this anointed Psalms prayer daily and invite the presence of God into your life. These powerful Bible Psalms will bring healing, breakthrough, protection, and deliverance into your home. Whether you need strength, peace, or spiritual warfare prayers, these scriptures will uplift your soul. 🔹 What You'll Experience in This Video: ✅ Anointed Psalms for protection & divine favor ✅ Psalms for healing and emotional peace ✅ Powerful breakthrough prayer for miracles ✅ Spiritual warfare Psalms to defeat the enemy ✅ Morning & night prayer Psalms to start & end your day 🎧 Listen to this anytime – during your prayer time, before sleeping, or while meditating on God’s Word. Claim your blessings today! Soak yourself in the peaceful anointed Psalms prayers and Scripture meditation. A thoughtful and detailed prayer to help touch every area of your life. Sit back, relax and soak in the amazing prayer session, make it your own as you recite the same. 🙏 If this video blesses you, type "AMEN" in the comments & share with someone who needs it! 💬 📩 For prayer requests & testimonies, comment below – we love to pray for you! ✨ Look out for the next upcoming video, so stay connected! Encourage us with your support. This is divided into various sub headings: #ThanksgivingAndPrasie #ProtectionAndDeliverance #GuidanceAndWisdom #StrengthAndEncouragement #HealingAndRestoration #FinancialBlessingsAndProvision #VictoryOverEnemiesAndEvilForces #MercyAndForgiveness #DivineFavorAndOpenDoors #FamilyBlessingsAndProtection #DeliveranceFromFearAndAnxiety #BreakthroughAndSuccess #SpiritualGrowthAndStrength #PeaceAndComfort #WisdomAndUnderstanding #DivineInterventionAndMiracles #WarfarePrayersAgainstTheEnemy #VictoryOverTemptationsAndSin #EternalLifeAndGod’sPresence #RestorationAndDivineRecompense #DivineHelpAndAssistance #DivineLoveAndFellowship #DivineInterventionInLegalAndLifeMatters #VictoryOverStrongholdsAndCaptivity #StrengthInTimesOfBattle #ThePowerOfGod’sPresence #VictoryOverDeathAndHell #TheJoyOfTheLord #EternalPraiseAndWorship #AnointedPsalms #PowerfulPsalms #PrayerAndWorship #BiblePsalms #HealingPsalms #PsalmsForProtection #BreakthroughPrayer #MorningPrayerPsalms #NightPrayerPsalms #SpiritualWarfarePsalms #MiraclePrayer #DeliverancePrayer #PsalmsForStrength #PsalmsForPeace #PsalmsForDivineFavor ------------------------------------------- Channel here to enhance the depth and revelation of the Bible and its scriptures to enrich ones lives. Jesus said, I am the Way and the Truth. Spending time, meditating/churning the word of God and making it your own is the answer to your problems. As each medicine is different for different illness, so is different scriptures for different issues of ones live. Attack the lack in your life by meditation on Prosperity Scriptures. Illness with Healing Scriptures. Promises of God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Remember the word is like a seed sown in the ground. The more you meditate, and speak is depicted as pouring water for your seed. Very important: Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of GOD. So use this to declare over your circumstance, while driving, lunch, travelling. A wise man hears the Word and puts into practice. Gods word coming out of your mouth will not return unto You void, but accomplish where to you send it. #PrayersChristian #GraceForPurpose #LionOfJudah #AboveInspiration #DevotionalPrayers #FaithPrayers #ProvisionPrayers #ProtectionPrayers #VictoryPrayers #MeditationPrayers #SleepPrayers #PrayersForGrowth #UpliftingGodThroughPrayer #PrayerForTheSick #PrayerForRenewingYourMind #PrayerForDeliverance #PrayersToSeekFirstTheKingdomOfGod #AbundancePrayers #PrayersForTruthsFromTheBible #PrayerForMotivation #PrayerForGuidance #PrayerForMotivation #PrayersToWin #PrayersToKnowGodsWill #PrayersAgainsTheAttacksOfTheDevil #PrayersToStanUpAgainstDemons #SoakStreamPrayers