Uncover the Unseen Power of the Mind with Apostle Joshua Selman!
"Trying to create success without first conceiving it in the mind is like pulling a rubber band, which will return to it's place afterwards. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he Apostle Joshua Selman #apostlejoshuaselman #success #wisdom #wisdomseries #keytosuccess #koinonia #mindset #successmindset #thinkright #imagination #thoughts Previous videos 📺: ✓ Beware of Sleep • SLEEP FOR REST... NOT FOR LEISURE | B... ✓ Learn to say "No" • Learn to say "No" | Make right decisi... ✓ Faith is not an excuse for idleness • FAITH IS NOT ENOUGH FOR SUCCESS : DIL... Follow also on other social networks:🌐 Facebook: @ws4success / ws4success TikTok : @ws4success https://www.tiktok.com/@ws4success?_t... Twitter: @ws4success https://twitter.com/ws4success?t=3dBK...