Uncover the Unseen Power of the Mind with Apostle Joshua Selman!

Uncover the Unseen Power of the Mind with Apostle Joshua Selman!

"Trying to create success without first conceiving it in the mind is like pulling a rubber band, which will return to it's place afterwards. For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he Apostle Joshua Selman #apostlejoshuaselman #success #wisdom #wisdomseries #keytosuccess #koinonia #mindset #successmindset #thinkright #imagination #thoughts Previous videos 📺: ✓ Beware of Sleep    • SLEEP FOR REST... NOT FOR LEISURE | B...   ✓ Learn to say "No"    • Learn to say "No" | Make right decisi...   ✓ Faith is not an excuse for idleness    • FAITH IS NOT ENOUGH FOR SUCCESS : DIL...   Follow also on other social networks:🌐 Facebook: @ws4success   / ws4success   TikTok : @ws4success https://www.tiktok.com/@ws4success?_t... Twitter: @ws4success https://twitter.com/ws4success?t=3dBK...