O Almighty God, who, through the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, prepared a most worthy dwelling place for Your Son, we humbly implore You: As we reflect upon the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes, may we be granted health of mind and body, strengthened in faith, and filled with Your divine peace. O most gracious Mother Mary, beloved Mother of our Lord and Redeemer, as you once looked with tender love upon Saint Bernadette in the Grotto of Lourdes, so now, turn your merciful gaze upon us. Intercede for us before your Divine Son, that the favor we so earnestly seek in this novena may be granted according to His holy will. O Brilliant Star of Purity, Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of Lourdes, lifted in your glorious Assumption and crowned in heavenly triumph, pour out upon us the mercy of the Mother of God. Be our refuge in trials, our hope in darkness, our strength in weakness, and our unfailing consolation. Amen. IF YOU LIKE THE PRAYERS, SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL FOR MORE PRAYERS! LIGHT A VIRTUAL CANDLE AND LEAVE YOUR PRAYER REQUEST WITH US. Whether it's for you, a loved one, or a special intention, we are here to join you in prayer and offer our heartfelt support. Together, let's find strength, hope, and peace. https://praynonstopnow.com/candles/si... 🙏 "A Seat for Every Soul" 🙏 Help us provide chairs for our Catholic Community. Your support will create a sacred space for worship and fellowship. Donate here: https://gogetfunding.com/ccdhsb-chair... THANKS BUTTON. If you find value in our videos and want to show your appreciation, please consider clicking the "GIVE THANKS" button and making a donation. "THANKS BUTTON" can be found at the 3dots below the video. Your support means the world to us and enables us to keep doing what we love. Visit our website: https://praynonstopnow.com #catholicprayers #blessedvirginmary #ourladyoflourdes