Happy 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Happy 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time!

Today’s Announcements: 1. Thank you for your generous sharing of self! dwy.io/HolyFamily 2. Happy International Day of Literacy! We share books with parish kids! 3. Hear ye, hear ye, read all about it—in Extraordinary Catholics magazine! extraordinarycatholics.faith/magazine 4. Our Parish Calendar Wednesdays, 6-9 PM – Bible study, rosary & theological institute! September 15 – Fr. Roy will join us for Anointing & we’ll pray for all who are sorrowing as the Church celebrates Our Lady of Sorrows (La Virgen de los Dolores). Happy Fiestas Patrias: Feel free to wear a bit of cultural flare! 5. Happy Grandparent’s Day! We pray for all grandparents, living & deceased!