Sunday Worship June 26, 2022, Third Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday Worship June 26, 2022, Third Sunday after Pentecost

First United Methodist Church 907 W. Lake Drive Taylor, Texas 76574 Connect with FUMC Taylor:   / fumctaylor     / fumctaylor     / fumctaylor   2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 "Passing the Mantle" June 26, 2022 Third Sunday after Pentecost Worship Leaders Rev. Sela Finau, Pastor Debby Vester, Organist & Director of Music Ministry Tiffany Charles, Director of Children's Ministry and Mother's Day Out Clayton Cobb, Liturgist & Communion Server Felicia Graves, Soloist Ways You Can Give: 1. Contact your bank to set up autodraft. 2. Mail a check to FUMC, P.O. Box 530, Taylor, Texas 76574. 3. Give online at Please register your attendance in one of the following ways: 1. Check-in on Facebook. 2. Comment on this worship service post, either on the Facebook page, Facebook group, YouTube or the website. 3. Please also share our worship service with others, either on social media, email or text. CCLI Copyright License 20143302 CCLI Streaming License 20143319 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee. Words: Henry Van Dyke; st. 4, alt. 1989 Music: Ludwig van Beethoven, 1824; arr. by Edward Hodges, 1864. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Words: Afro-American spiritual (2 Kings 2:11) Music: Afro-American spiritual; adapt. and arr. by William Farley Smith, 1987 Adapt. and arr. copyright 1989 The United Methodist Publishing House. Way Maker. Words & Music: Osinachi Okoro; arr. by Dan Galbraith. Copyright 2016 Integrity Music Europe (Admin by Capitol CMG Publishing). Blessed Assurance. Words: Fanny J. Crosby, 1873 Music: Phoebe P. Knapp, 1873. Call to Worship, Opening Prayer, Prayer of Confession, Words of Assurance, Offertory Prayer credit to Ministry Matters and UMC Discipleship