Rubella جرمن خسرہ , causes, sign & symptoms, prevention , treatment #rubella #viraldiseases #mmr
Rubella جرمن خسرہ defination: it is a disease caused by toga virus( Rna enveloped virus) causes: exposure to rubella infected child to other child and pregnantleady. incubation period: 14 to 21 days clinical feature: brief prodromal period with fever and malaise is followed by a maculopapular rash which starts on the face and progresses downward to involve the extremities. Posterior auricular lymphadenopathy is characteristic. When rubella occurs in adults, especially women, polyarthritis caused by immune complexes often occurs Congenital Rubella Syndrome The significance of rubella virus is not as a cause of mild childhood disease but as a teratogen. When a nonimmune pregnant woman is infected during the first trimester, especially the first month, significant congenital malformations can occur as a result of maternal viremia and fetal infection. The increased rate of abnormalities during the early weeks of pregnancy is attributed to the very sensitive organ development that occurs at that time. The malformations are widespread and involve primarily the heart (e.g., patent ductus arteriosus), the eyes (e.g., cataracts), and the brain (e.g., deafness and mental retardation) Prevention Prevention involves immunization with the live, attenuated vaccine. The vaccine is effective and long-lasting (at least 10 years) and causes few side effects, except for transient arthralgias in some women. It is given subcutaneously to children at 15 months of age (usually in combination with measles and mumps vaccine) and to unimmunized young adult women if they are not pregnant and will use contraception for the next 3 months The vaccine has caused a significant reduction in the incidence of both rubella and congenital rubella syndrome. It induces some respiratory IgA, thereby interrupting the spread of virulent virus by nasal carriage. Immune serum globulins (IG) can be given to pregnant women in the first trimester who have been exposed to a known case of rubella and for whom termination of the pregnancy is not an option. The main problems with giving IG are that there are instances in which it fails to prevent fetal infection and that it may confuse the interpretation of serologic tests. #skymedical #rubella #germanmeasles #viraloutbreak #congenitalheartdefect #neonatal #pregnacycare #mmr #skinrashes #lymphnodes #lymphnodeswelling #deafness #cataractdisease #vaccine