후무스소스&닭가슴살 샐러드 Hummus & Chicken salad

후무스소스&닭가슴살 샐러드 Hummus & Chicken salad

처음 먹어 본 흐무스인데 닭가슴살이랑도 잘 어울려요 양파와 닭가슴살을 얇게 썰어주면 소스가 더 잘 배어서 맛있어요 ☺️ It's my first time eating hummus, and it goes well with chicken breast If you slice onions and chicken breast thinly, the sauce will be soaked better and delicious ☺️ #흐무스#닭가슴살샐러드#hummus#chickensalad#shorts#cooking #koreanfood