Save this mug cake and ice cream recipe immediately. So πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯#highprotein #recipe #icecream #lowcal

Save this mug cake and ice cream recipe immediately. So πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯#highprotein #recipe #icecream #lowcal

Got a sweet tooth and want to stick to your diet? You HAVE to try this, Trust me you won’t be disappointed. INGREDIENTS: 1 pint Halo Top Ice Cream (cookies and cream was what I used) Kodiak Cake Pancake Mix MACROS: 490 Calories 32g protein, 100g carbs, 9g fat INSTRUCTIONS: Transfer half of Halo Top ice cream to a bowl Microwave the remaining half of ice cream so it is liquid Add in 1 serving kodiak pancake mix (50g) Mix until you have a cake batter consistency Microwave for 90 seconds to 2 min Put the mug cake back in the bowl with the remaining ice cream Enjoy . . . . . #fitness #onlinecoaching #fitnesscoaching #nutritioncoach #change #lifestyle #weightloss #nutrition #cuttingseason #health #recipes #free #fitnessprogram #nutritionprogram #selfhelp #onthego #musclegain #dreambody