Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Ep. 8A Barry | Natalia Chapter 4- Metamorphosis ~ Natalia Survives
Chapter 4: Metamorphosis ~ Natalia Survives Barry & Natalia now fights their way to meet Alex Wesker, or rather "She-Wesker", going through lots of hazardous environments so that Barry can have his avenge for his daughter, and escort Natalia from this hellish place, but will they succeed? There will be a couple of weapons to unlock for Barry in this chapter. They are a shotgun at the crane and the newer magnum for Barry. The process of unlocking can be found in Ep. 8B of my walkthrough. Both of these weapons can be easily missed compared to other weapons. Shotgun will be found at the top of the crane. Natalia must be controlling the switch while Barry stands on the movable platform as he needs to alight the moving platform to retrieve the weapon. The platform that the shotgun is at has no switch for the movable platform to stop, thus Barry needs to standby and move to that platform as the movable platform is moving. Newer magnum is found in the far end of the poisonous gas area. Just have to find it, but it is simpler compared to the shotgun. In addition, this video is based on the Ep. 5A choice taken of my walkthrough where Moira Kills the mutated Neil, and thus Moira has overcome her phobia of guns, leading to the actual good ending that Moira will save Natalia while Barry was unconscious and feeble as he was softened up by She-Wesker. What happened to Moira after Claire has jump off the building while Moira was trapped under debris of rocks are all explained in the DLC chapter titled: "The Struggle". During the final battle, 2nd player who has been playing as Natalia will be playing as Claire instead, covering Barry on the helicopter. There isn't a need to worry about Claire's health from here, but we need to care more about Barry when playing co-op. However, in single player mode, it is switched between Barry & Claire automatically, with players controlling Claire more than Barry. Barry is only controllable when he and mutated She-Wesker are inside the cave and he needs to lure her out to the open before the game lets players take control of Claire again. After all, Claire will be the one who has the big guns to kill her, while Barry is just a bait. 1P Barry Burton - lumlee (me) 2P Natalia Korda (Part 1) | Claire Redfield (Part 2) - lumlee (me) Playlist: • Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Note: Profanities have been censored at 0:08, 1:13:30, 1:18:22, 1:19:26, 1:19:32, 1:19:44, 1:22:28 & 1:25:30