2024-12-24 Greek Orthodox Royal Hours & Divine Liturgy Saint Basil: Christmas Eve
LIVE High Definition (HD) broadcast of the Greek Orthodox Royal Hours and Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil on Christmas Eve, the Eve of the Nativity of Christ. Today, we commemorate: Eve of the Nativity of Christ Readings: Matins Gospel Reading: Matthew 1:18-25 Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians 4:4-7 Gospel Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 Our Eastern Orthodox service is conducted mainly in English and Greek, and LIVE is streamed from Saint Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Boca Raton, Florida. Subscribers to / saintmark are invited to participate in our online public Live Chat during the service. We encourage you to introduce yourself by giving your name and the city/state/country from where you are worshiping with us. Please Light a Candle & Say a Prayer at https://saintmarkboca.net/give #christmaseve, #Candlelit, #candlelight, #christmaseve, #OrthodoxFaith, #orthodoxlivestream, #SaintMark, #SaintMarkBoca