21 दिनों में 95% लोगों से आगे निकल जाओगे | 21 Days Challenge | Change Your Life in Just 21 Days

21 दिनों में 95% लोगों से आगे निकल जाओगे | 21 Days Challenge | Change Your Life in Just 21 Days

21 दिनों में 95% लोगों से आगे निकल जाओगे | 21 Days Challenge | Change Your Life in Just 21 Days 21 दिनों में 95% लोगों से आगे निकल जाओगे 21 Days Challenge Change Your Life How to change your file in 21 Day's Challenge 🧠 change HABIT 21 दिनों में 95% लोगों से आगे निकल जाओ (MONK MODE) | What is MONK MODE in Hindi | (Motivational) Try This For 21 Days"Change Your Life With 21 Days Challenge 21 Days Challenge - How to reprogram your Mind for Success | by Him eesh Madaan This script is designed for a motivational video aimed at individuals who struggle with procrastination and distractions like social media, which prevent them from pursuing their dreams. It explains how, in just 21 days, one can change their habits and take firm steps towards achieving their goals. The script emphasizes that to be successful, one must first eliminate distractions such as social media. It then advises viewers to wake up early, focus on fitness, learn new skills, and practice self-control. It references the "21-day rule," which suggests that it is possible to form new habits within this time frame. यह स्क्रिप्ट एक मोटिवेशनल वीडियो के लिए तैयार की गई है, जो आलस और सोशल मीडिया जैसी डिस्ट्रैक्शंस के कारण अपने सपनों से भटकने वाले लोगों को प्रेरित करती है। इसमें बताया गया है कि कैसे 21 दिनों के अंदर आप अपनी आदतों में बदलाव ला सकते हैं और अपने सपनों की दिशा में मजबूती से कदम बढ़ा सकते हैं। स्क्रिप्ट में मुख्यत: यह समझाया गया है कि सफल होने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको अपने जीवन से सोशल मीडिया और अन्य बाधाओं को हटाना होगा। इसके बाद सुबह जल्दी उठने, फिटनेस पर ध्यान देने, नई स्किल्स सीखने और खुद पर कंट्रोल रखने की सलाह दी गई है। इसमें 21 दिन की मनोविज्ञान थ्योरी का जिक्र किया गया है, जिसके अनुसार इतनी अवधि में नई आदतें बनाना संभव है। Music pixabay se use Kiya https://pixabay.com/ __________________________________________________ Open your Trading & Investment account with Angel One for FREE You will get: ✅ All trades in Rs.20 💹 ✅ Quick SIP in Direct MF ⚡ ✅ 1Lac MTF @ 0% interest 💰 Download only using my referral link to get Free Demat Account⬇ https://angel-one.onelink.me/Wjgr/k1i... link may expire within 48hrs T&C Apply Yah donon video dekh lo jindagi Badal jaaye    • Video      • सफलता के मंत्र जीतने के लिए प्रेरणा |...   motivation videos motivational video #motivationalvideo motivational videos motivation best motivational video dream motivational video motivational et motivation powerful motivational video gym motivation why not you motivational video gratitude motivational Hindi theo von motivation 2024 motivation motivation 2023 2016 motivation best motivation life motivation eric thomas motivational video best motivational speech video motivational story video motivational story hindi hindi motivational story motivational hindi story best motivational story video best motivational video hindi motivational video in hindi motivational story in hindi motivational videos in hindi best motivational video in hindi motivational video motivational story motivational hindi stories best motivational video best motivational story in hindi study motivational video short motivational video hindi motivational quotes motivational quotes in hindi motivational quotes hindi quotes motivation motivation quotes in hindi motivation quotes upsc motivational quotes best motivational quotes motivation quoteshala motivational quotes video success motivational quotes in hindi shorts motivational quotes motivational quotes in hindi by prerna success motivational quotes sigma rule motivational quotes hindi motivation motivational words in english motivational quotes in english english motivational quotes financial motivation discipline motivation motivational video running motivation life motivation discipline motivational speech inri motivation morning motivational speech motivational speech keep going motivation best financial motivation et motivation motivational videos motivational vibes morning motivation motivation ark 21 days to change your life 21 days challenge 21 days to change your mindset motivational speech 21 days to change habit mister proton 21 Days Challenge to Change Your life Best Motivational Video in Hindi by Motivational wings 21 days challenge motivation 21 days challenge 21 days challenge change your life best motivational video motivational video by motivational wings inspirational 21 days habit change 21 days challenge for study 21 days challenge for weight loss 21 days affirmations motivational video songs #मेराmitivation #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivationalvideo #motivationalspeech #motivational #motivationalstory #motivationalstories #motivation101 #motivationalsong #motivationstory #motivationalquotes #motivationalvideo #motivationalspeech #motivational #motivationalstory #motivationalstories #motivationalsong #motivationalprithibi #motivationalspeaker #motivational_facts Subscribe me 👍