How To Minimize Taxes on Crypto Gains - CPA Explains How To Cash Out
Learn how to minimize your crypto taxes and keep more of your profits. Apply To Become A Client: https://mycpacoach.com/contact Bitcoin and several other cryptocurrencies have exploded in value over the last 12 months. Which means more money for crypto investors… But that also means more taxes. And 9 out of 10 crypto investors I talk to are actually overpaying on taxes because they fail to use any of the simple tips I’m about to share with you. So as a licensed CPA that has tax planned for crypto investors with 7-8 figure gains, I want to share some simple strategies that can help you offset a large portion of your taxes. Overview: (0:00) How Crypto Is Taxed: (0:37) Strategy 1: (2:10) Strategy 2: (3:07) Strategy 3: (5:03) Strategy 4: (6:38) Tax Planning: (8:10) //// DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this video is for entertainment and informational purposes only and is not professional legal, accounting, or financial advice.