All About Lyrans | Royal Houses & First Man Races | Astral Legends

All About Lyrans | Royal Houses & First Man Races | Astral Legends

The Lyrans are an ancient and highly evolved extraterrestrial species thought to originate from the Lyra star system, often considered the birthplace of early humanoid races. According to various accounts and metaphysical teachings, they are regarded as the first humanoid beings, with diverse human-like appearances. Many Lyrans possess feline-like traits, such as sharp eyes, elongated faces, and a graceful, agile build. Some are even described with cat-like or lion-like characteristics, embodying strength, wisdom, and agility. They are frequently seen as the root race that spread throughout the galaxy, sharing their knowledge and genetic material to influence many worlds. As one of the oldest spacefaring civilizations, the Lyrans are believed to have existed for millions of years. They are thought to be the ancestors of several galactic species, including the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Katay, Sirians, Andromedans, and certain reptilian and human-like races. Spiritually, the Lyrans are highly advanced, possessing a deep understanding of cosmic laws, energy manipulation, and the expansion of consciousness. Their culture values harmony with nature, self-awareness, and spiritual growth. Though they have a warrior spirit, they are not inclined toward war; instead, they focus on peace, wisdom, and safeguarding their star systems. Their technology is said to be powered by crystal energy, consciousness, and advanced light-based systems. In modern times, the Lyrans are often associated with spiritual seekers, many of whom feel a deep connection to this race, resonating with their message of peace, strength, and the pursuit of higher consciousness. Discover More From Astral Legends: 📰 Join ALTV's Patreon Community:   / astrallegends   🎙️ Timeline Explorers HistoryTV: / @timelineexplorers ❌ Follow me on Tiktok: 🧵 Follow Us on Instagram: /@astrallegends Resources From Today's Video: Compendium of Emerald Tablets: Galactica Encyclopedia: Remote sessions compiled by LR Alex Collier, Defending Sacred Ground, 1997 Adapted from D'Oreal of Emerald Tablets, 1930 -UFO, Ancient Texts such As Egyptian Book of Dead & Ancient Civilizations Communities -Elena Daanan, Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Bob Lazar, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Akashic Records & Much More. Become a Patreon Member:   / astrallegends   #Gaia #WeAreANonReligiousChannel #Christconciousness #ancienthistory For researchers and enthusiasts looking to find specific references mentioning these the historical and science resources please refer to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), and the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD) are invaluable. These databases offer transliterations, translations, and discussions of thousands of Sumerian texts, providing a searchable resource for specific terms and their occurrences. SOURCE LINKS BELOW: 👁️‍🗨️ Join the Conversation! We encourage you to share your thoughts, insights, and questions in the comments section below. Let's engage in a respectful exchange of ideas and collectively unravel the mysteries that have fascinated generations. Remember to like, share, and subscribe as we continue to explore the unexplained together! Discover More From Astral Legends: 📰 Join ALTV's Patreon Community:   / astrallegends   🎙️ Timeline Explorers HistoryTV: / @timelineexplorers ❌ Follow me on Tiktok: 🧵 Follow Us on Instagram: /@astrallegends Let’s work together! For brand & sponsorship inquiries: [email protected] Follow Us On Instagram at @astrallegends 00:00 Introduction 05:27 Laan Man 06:50 Cosmic History 09:52 Taal Man 13:54 King Zharion Arakhan 16:03 Princess Illarya 20:23 Urant System & Urmah