How High Value Men Talk to Women (CRUSH HER EGO) - Stoicism

How High Value Men Talk to Women (CRUSH HER EGO) - Stoicism

In this video, we’re diving into the powerful art of how high value men talk to women and crush her ego using timeless stoicism principles. If you're tired of being stuck in the frustrating world of modern dating, this video is for you. Discover the traits of a high value man and how you can easily attract women by embodying the stoic mindset. I’m breaking down crucial dating advice for men on how to talk to women and destroy her ego in a way that keeps you at the top of her mind. Learn why high value men don’t chase women, but instead use their stoic wisdom to command respect and admiration. When you stop seeking validation and ignore women who don’t meet your standards, you automatically become more attractive and mysterious. We’ll also cover the traits of a high value man and how you can apply them in your own life to start attracting quality women. This is dating advice for men who want to stop being ordinary and start acting like the men women are really drawn to. By incorporating the stoic philosophy into your everyday interactions, you’ll unlock the secret to becoming the kind of man that women can't help but desire. How to attract women and how men talk to women is more than just being confident — it’s about mastering your mindset. With the right approach, you’ll have women chasing you instead of the other way around. Ready to take your dating game to the next level? Watch this video now and transform your interactions with women. Join the Stoic Mindset Community and embrace the power of stoic wisdom to shape your life as a high value man. Stop playing games, stop seeking approval, and start talking to women with the confidence and calm of a true stoic. #stoicism #datingadviceformen #highvaluemen #stoicmindset #stoicwisdom 00:00 – Introduction 01:20 – Rule #7: Stop Feeding Her Ego—Make Her Earn Your Validation 03:50 – Rule #6: Never Be Too Available – Make Her Earn Your Time 06:30 – Rule #5: Don’t Over-Focus on Her – A Man With Options Is a Man With Power 09:20 – Rule #4: Never Get Jealous – A Man Who Reacts, Loses 13:00 – Rule #3: Stop Seeking Her Approval – The Moment You Do, You Lose 16:00 – Rule #2: Never Let Your Emotions Control You – Master Yourself, Master the Game 18:30 – Rule #1: Don’t Get Too Excited About Her 20:00 – Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Talking to Women & Becoming a High Value Man