Christmas Kalanchoe Growing Tips|क्रिसमस क्लांचो को बढ़ाने की टिप्स |#GreenIsland#Indoorplants #plant
Christmas Kalanchoe Growing Tips|क्रिसमस क्लांचो को बढ़ाने की टिप्स |#GreenIsland#Indoorplants #plant Christmas Kalanchoe is also known as Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana, Flaming katy, Kalanchoe, Florist Kalanchoe. It has several varieties including hanging, nonflowering foliage etc. Interesting facts about Christmas Kalanchoe *Christmas Kalanchoe is a very popular plant during Chinese New Year Celebrations. *It is believed that it brings wealth & prosperity. *This is an ornamental houseplant & succulent garden plant. *Used in traditional herbal medicine to treat infections, rheumatism & inflammation. *Kalanchoe extracts also have immunosuppressive effects. *Kalanchoe Pinnata has been recorded in Trinidad & Tobago as being used for hypertension. Kalanchoe Growing Tips Christmas Kalanchoes are very low maintenance succulents, thriving in the low humidity of winter households. Flaming Katy do best in well-draining potting mix. You can add some sand in soil for making soil well drain. They like temperature 10 degree to 50 degree Celsius. Kalanchoes love lot of bright indirect light. In winter, you can place your Kalanchoe in south facing window & east or west in summer. If your plant looks leggy & thin, it maybe the sign that it is not getting enough light. Most of the succulents don’t like too much water. Over-watering will kill your Flaming Katy. Water it when its soil gets dry completely. Don’t leave water in its drainage tray & never leave Kalanchoe sitting in water. When Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana blooms, feed it every few weeks with organic fertilizers. Use clay pots to grow Kalanchoe for best result. However, they can grow in any pot. Good thing is you can propagate Kalanchoe by stem or leaf cutting also. For removing dust, gently spray or wipe leaves of Kalanchoe. Generally, Kalanchoe blooms start in December month. To encourage the plant to flower for an extended period, remove older flowers as they wither & new ones open. The flowers sprout from terminal stems so it is beneficial to cut them below 1-2 sets of leaves to promote more blooming during the winter season. After flowering, Christmas Kalanchoe requires rest. Now you can prune it. Cut the stems just above where two leaves meet & the stem will usually grow the new branches at the cut. Don’t re-pot it if not necessary. christmas kalanchoe plant, Christmas Kalanchoe, propagate Kalanchoe by stem, Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana, Kalanchoe, Flaming Katy, succulents,ornamental houseplant, Florist Kalanchoe, Christmas Kalanchoe Growing Tips,#GreenIsland,green island, क्रिसमस क्लांचो को बढ़ाने की टिप्स,how to grow christmas kalanchoe plant, how to grow kalanchoe, facts about kalanchoe, kalanchoe plant, kalanchoe plant care, kalanchoe plant care in summer, kalanchoe flower, kalanchoe flowering season, kalanchoe repotting, kalanchoe varieties,Tips to grow Christmas Kalanchoe 36 Amazing Plants with Name|Beautiful Plants|36 अद्भुत पौधें| Unique Plants in India|#GreenIsland: • 36 Amazing Plants with Name|Beautiful... 21 Best Fence Plants With Name| 21 बेहतरीन पौधें बाउंड्री के लिए| #GreenIsland #FencePlants: • 21 Best Fence Plants With Name| 21 बे... 25 Best Hanging Plants With Name| 25 बेहतरीन लटकाने वाले पौधें नाम सहित |#GreenIsland: • 25 Best Hanging Plants With Name| 25 ... 21 Best Lucky Plants For 2021|21 सबसे अच्छे लक्की पौधें 2021 के लिए : • 21 Best Lucky Plants For 2021|21 सबसे... MEDICINAL PLANTS WITH SCIENTIFIC NAMES|औषधिय पौधें, उपयोग एवं उनके साइंटिफिक नाम : • MEDICINAL PLANTS WITH SCIENTIFIC NAME... Benefits & Side Effects Of Tulsi(Basil)|तुलसी के फायदे एवं नुकसान : • Benefits & Side Effects Of Tulsi(Basi... 45 Best Winter Flowering Plants|45 सर्वश्रेष्ठ सर्दियोंमें खिलने वाले फूलोंके पौधे: • 45 Best Winter Flowering Plants|45 सर... Tips For Long Hair|How To Increase Hair Growth| Tips For Hair Growth|GreenIsland: • Tips For Long Hair|How To Increase Ha... Plants That Help You Sleep| नींद लाने में सहायक पौधें : • Plants That Help You Sleep| नींद लाने... Top 51 Home Decor Plants |घर सजाने के लिए 51 बेस्ट पौधें: • Top 51 Home Decor Plants |घर सजाने के... Top 22 Worship Plants In India| भारत में पूजे जाने वाले २२ मुख्य पौधें : • Top 22 Worship Plants In India| भारत ... Top 30 Plants Grow From Cutting|अगस्त-सितम्बर में उगने वाले पौधे: • Top 30 Plants Grow From Cutting|अगस्त... Top 25 Monsoon Plants For Home | Flower To Grow In August | अगस्त में उगने वाले पौधे: • Top 25 Monsoon Plants For Home | Flow... Follow us on Facebook: / greenislando. . Contact us: [email protected] #GreenIsland #greenisland