I Found an Abandoned Pool FILLED with Monster Fish!
In today’s video, I found MONSTER fish living in an abandoned pool! Someone has been stocking this abandoned pool with aquarium fish for over a year, and they need my help catching them out to save them before it’s destroyed! I placed 2 fish traps in the filthy green water and netted around to see what I could find! I ended up catching colorful cichlids, oscars, giant gourami, arowanas, exotic catfish, AND MORE! I also found turtle shells in the pool which we were too late to save… We also noticed mysterious bubbles coming up from the bottom, meaning something big was down there! So I decided to throw the cast net and I caught some MONSTER fish including tiger shovelnose catfish, alien fish, AND MORE! I then decided to wait till it gets dark to check my fish traps and try to spot the redtail catfish and other monsters in the abandoned pool… When we came back later that night we were SHOCKED at all the fish we caught including eels, gulper catfish, pacu, redtail catfish, AND MORE! We also ended up finding the arowana which we netted out and saved! We brought back all the fish we caught and put them into my backyard pond! Should we go back and do a part 2? — ⏹Instagram: / bassfishingproductions ⏹TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bassfishingpr... ⏹ Promotion inquiries: [email protected] ⏹Business email: [email protected]