#israelites #israeliteforeigners Are Scattered Among ALL PEOPLE

#israelites #israeliteforeigners Are Scattered Among ALL PEOPLE

   • My dad is Black and my mom is Japanes...   Scriptures of this lesson: Deuteronomy 28:64 KJV Jeremiah 12:9 KJV Revelation 7:3-8 KJV Baruch 4:37 KJV Saint John 7:24 KJV Romans 8:16 KJV Numbers 1:18 KJV ‎𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 = YAHAWAH ‎𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 = YAHAWASHI SHE•MI YA•SHAR•AHLA YAHAWAH AHLA•HAYA•NAWA YAHAWAH AH•CHAAD Hear O, Israel YAHAWAH Our God YAHAWAH Is One. BARAK AHTHAH YAHAWAH BARAK AHTHAH YAHAWASHI BAHASHAM RAWCHAA HA•QADASH Bless You YAHAWAH Bless You YAHAWASHI In The Name The Holy Spirit Kal Halalyam•La AHBA•NAWA AHLA•HAYA•NAWA YAHAWAH BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI BAHASHAM RAWCHAA HA•QADASH SHA•BA SHAMAYAM All Praises To Our Father Our GOD YAHAWAH In The Name YAHAWASHI In The Name The Holy Spirit Which In Heaven YAHAWAH = He Is YAHAWASHI = He Saves He Delivers RAWCHAA HAQADASH = The Holy Spirit • Ha = The • QaDash = Holy • RAWCHAA = Spirit In life, thou shall encounter hard times. Thou must develop the mental toughness of a warrior who will enable thee to face and overcome any challenge or adversity life throws. Therefore, develop a warrior mindset and learn to grow from pain, setbacks, failures, obstacles, challenges, losses, and all the hard times in thine life. PROPHETS OF PASADENA TEXAS :    / @manazargabar   PROPHETS OF PASADENA TX MALKIYAH    / @w4ypasadenatxmalkiyah   Prophets of Pasadena TX: AMIR GABAR: https://youtube.com/@ProphetsOfPasade... PROPHETS OF PASADENA TEXAS YOHANAN:    / @prophetsofpasadenatexasyohanan   Espanol/Spanish GMS IDAHO    / @gmsidaho   KAL HALALYAMLA AHLAHAYANAWA YAHAWAH BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI BAHASHAM RAWCHAA QADASH 🗣️🙌🏻🤴🏿 DOUBLE HONORS TO THE APOSTLES ELDERS AND BISHOPS OF GMS. Much due respect, to the sincere Ahchyam labouring in the truth. Shalawam to the Ahchyam wa Ahchwath; which be you brothers and little amount of SINCERE sisters who subscribe to the truth. YAHAWAH RATAZA BAHASHAM YAHAWASHI the lesson may be edifying. DTA!!! AHBAD BABAL SOON!!!! QAM YASHARAHLA 💪🏻👑 DEATH TO AMERICA 🛸⚡️🚀🇺🇸🌎🔥🔥 #yahawahbahashamyahawashi #hebrewisraelites #blacks #latinos #nativeamericanindians #israeliteforeigners #motb #rfidchip #jacobstrouble #ww3 #famine #pestilence #manhood #youtube #rumble #bitchute #dayofatonement #atonement #repent #chariot #chariots #ufo #elect #144k #zombie #zombies #cdc #zombieoutbreak #outbreak #plague #disease #vaccine #covidvaccine #japanese