Feast of the Sto. Niño; 2nd Sun in OT, Yr. C: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph | Luk 2:41-52
January 19, 2025: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C God has called us through the Gospel to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Gospel | Luke 2:41-52 🙏 "Dear Jesus, I lift up to You my family this Sunday. I ask You to carry us through every difficulty and trouble we encounter each day. Heal every broken relationship that were caused by wordly influence and pettiness. Help me to keep believing in the love of my family and sustain us in our struggle to love and forgive unconditionally so, like You, I will also find favor with God. Give me strength to focus on what I can offer to them, and not on what they can give to me. Amen." Saint Fillan, pray for us.