THE LORD OF THE RINGS CONQUEST Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 FULL GAME [4K ULTRA HD] - No Commentary

THE LORD OF THE RINGS CONQUEST Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 FULL GAME [4K ULTRA HD] - No Commentary

The Lord Of The Rings Conquest Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full The Lord Of The Rings Conquest Gameplay on Xbox 360. This The Lord Of The Rings Conquest Gameplay is recorded in 4K 60FPS on Xbox 360 and will include the full game, all endings and all boss fights. Main Campaign 00:00​ Rise Of Sauron Campaign - 1:28:23 Enjoy! If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like & Comment, I appreciate it a lot! The Lord of the Rings: Conquest is a action game developed by Pandemic Studios and published by Electronic Arts. It is derived from The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, and borrows many gameplay mechanics from the Star Wars Battlefront games. In this exciting, action strategy game players fight on the side of both good and evil in all the biggest battles from The Lord Of The Rings movies. The player takes the role of a soldier of Rohan, Gondor, Rivendell, Harad, Mordor or Isengard, depending on the campaign or side the player chooses. The game is generally objective based, requiring the player to defeat a certain number of enemies, or hold a position until a timer runs out. Follow me on Twitter -   / mkiceandfiremk   SUBSCRIBE -    / @mkiceandfire   Support MKIceAndFire and become a member -    / @mkiceandfire   Subscribe to MKIceAndFire to get all the new gameplay videos and walkthroughs of the latest games! #LordOfTheRIngs #Gameplay #Walkthrough