CHURCH “Y” WORDS | 22 NOV 2020 10:30 AM SERVICE || Rock Spring Church TV
SERIES TITLE: CHURCH “Y” WORDS Rock Spring Church Online Broadcast of 10:30am, Sunday Service, November 22, 2020 Pastor Mike Lowrey Watch online Facebook: / live Rock Spring website: https://www.rockspring.net/watch/ YouTube channel: / @rockspringchurchtv Quick Videos: / @rsc_tv LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and share these links with your friends! This service: • CHURCH “Y” WORDS | 22 NOV 2020 10:30 ... Prayer Requests/contact us : https://www.rockspring.net/contact-us/ _________________________ Believing Isn’t Enough ________________________ I believed I’d be a good parent. I said things like, “I won’t do to my kids what my parents did or what those other parents do.” I thought I’ll be the perfect dad and I was, until we had kids. AT that point, everything I knew and believed got turned upside down and I had to work just to survive parenthood. The same can be said of our relationship with God. We believe and we have an entry level of knowledge, however, when our faith and knowledge meet real life, everything either comes apart or we begin working in order to survive. Romans 10:17 says “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God…” and it’s true because it is God’s Word. What you believe comes from what you know but according to God’s Word, believing isn’t enough because it also says, “faith without works is dead” (James 20:20). Faith and a head full of scripture is just the beginning. God will lead us to places where we will discover the truth about what we think we know and what His Word really means. It is in those moments that we should put our faith to work and not only survive, but thrive. This Sunday I’ll be unpacking the meaning of baptism because God doesn’t want you to be a wet believer. He wants you to become a thriving believer. See you Sunday! Pastor Mike TWEETS: Follow Pastor Mike Lowrey and Pastor Ben Williams on Twitter @RSCTVpastor / rsctvpastor Also Instagram and Tumblr and Facebook: RSCTVpastor ____________________ YouTube channels: Rock Spring Church TV: / @rockspringchurchtv