Fr Chris Alar, MIC - 54 Days to Divine Mercy Sunday
Subscribe! / @divinemercyforamerica It's Ash Wednesday and our Marian Father Chris Alar is begging us all to be ready to take full advantage of the graces in store on the Feast of Mercy, which is just 54 days from now. Fr. Chris explains how to prepare for the Greatest Day of Grace and why. This video is perfect for passing along to friends and family and build momentum for Divine Mercy Sunday. Join the 54-Day Rosary Novena for Mercy Ash Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday Don't worry if you missed the start date. Jump in where you are. Heaven hears all prayers. Sign up at: MercySundayMomentum.org --------------------------- Join us live on Zoom on the 1st thru the 9th every month. Zoom room opens at 4:30 pm Eastern. Register to receive the Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/dmfa-membership Jesus to St. Faustina: Make a daily hour of adoration for nine days. During this adoration try to unite yourself in prayer with My Mother. Pray with all your heart in union with Mary . . . I was to make this novena for the intention of my Motherland. (Diary of St. Faustina, 32, 33) Dave & Joan Maroney - Mother of Mercy Messengers Mercy ——————— Become a member of the Divine Mercy for America team and we will send you the Zoom link each day to your computer or phone: https://tinyurl.com/dmfa-membership God bless you, and may God bless your country because of you! Divine Mercy for America Joan and Dave Maroney Mother of Mercy Messengers Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception Get Connected with the Marian Fathers, Become a Marian Helper https://dmfa.tiny.us/marian-helper Request a Mass for a Loved One http://tinyurl.com/marian-mass Marian Fathers: https://www.marian.org/ Marian Vocations: https://www.fathercalloway.com/ Divine Mercy: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/ National Shrine of Divine Mercy Stockbridge, Massachusetts: https://www.shrineofdivinemercy.org/ Subscribe to the DMFA backup channel: https://tinyurl.com/dmfa-backup-channel Download the Litany of Saints Three pages, 8 1/2 x 11 https://tinyurl.com/litany-of-the-saints Purchase the DMFA Prayer Guide with the Litany of Saints https://tinyurl.com/dmfa-prayer-guide While on the Membership page, you can opt-in to any or all of our nine special groups, including several novenas throughout the year. For instance, select the Divine Mercy Novena group, and each day we will send you the novena prayers for that day. You can choose to receive messages by email or text. Receiving the prayers on your phone makes it very convenient to participate and stay on track. Divine Mercy for America Novenas and Special Groups: 54-Day Mercy Sunday Rosary Novena - Ash Wed to Divine Mercy Sunday 54-Day Rosary Novena for Our Nation - Aug 15 to Oct 7 Divine Mercy Novena - Good Friday to Vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday Fast Friday - Periodic First-of-the-Month Novenas - 1st through 9th each month Holy Spirit Novena - Nine days before Pentecost Marian Movement Readings - Periodic Mary Undoer of Knots Novena - Dec 23 to Dec 31 each year Our Lady of America - Periodic Mother of Mercy Messengers (MOMM) is a Catholic evangelization apostolate under the auspices of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception based at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. MOMM is a proud member of CEMA - Coalition of Eucharistic and Marian Apostolates https://coalitionofapostolates.com/