SHUT UP & Be SILENT Forever! || SILENCING every EVIL VOICE calling my NAME

SHUT UP & Be SILENT Forever! || SILENCING every EVIL VOICE calling my NAME

#backtosender #evilvoice #silencingevilvoice #deliveranceprayers #spiritualwarfare #witchcraft #evilaltars Have you ever heard a loud voice calling out your name as you are sleeping? This voice is often a familiar voice meaning the voice of someone you know like a family member or friend. Evil voice is an evil device of the enemy to destroy the lives and destinies of God’s children. God often speaks to His children with a vocal voice, so the enemy is also using the vocal voice to kill, steal and destroy from the children of God. SUBSCRIBE HERE: VIDEO CHAPTERS 0:00 Welcome & Intro 3:33 4 Things To Know About Evil Voices 7:40 2 Confession Bible Verses 8:54 Opening Prayer 10:42 14 Warfare Prayers To Silence Evil Voices 26:01 Summary & Closing SIMILAR VIDEOS: 1. POWERFUL Deliverance Prayer CASTING OUT over 60 demons || OUT in JESUS name!! -    • POWERFUL Deliverance Prayer CASTING O...   2. Prayer Points To WAGE WAR Against ENEMIES Of PROGRESS || Give Me Back My KEYS!! -    • Prayer Points To WAGE WAR Against ENE...   3. DRAW THE BLOOD LINE!! || The BLOOD LINE of PROTECTION -    • DRAW THE BLOOD LINE!! || The BLOOD LI...   NON-COPYRIGHTED FREE BACKGROUND MUSIC: 1. Credit to Queen Belemzy Ministries - School Of Power: Soaking Instrumental Vol. 4 - 2. Credit to FREE COPYRIGHT Military Music / War Background Music No Copyright by MUSIC4VIDEO -    • Video   3. Credit to Battlefield War Military Instrumental Music | No Copyright Background Music -    • Video   4. Credit to Eman's Tracks: Lord, I Thank You - Gospel Worship | Worship Beats Instrumental | Worship Type Beat (Eman's Tracks) -    • Lord, I Thank You - Gospel Worship | ...   INFORMATION TO SOW: If you are led to sow in the ministry CONNECT WITH ME: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Angella Hunt International Ministries