Homily, 9am Sunday Mass, July 18, 2021

Homily, 9am Sunday Mass, July 18, 2021

Fr. Simon's homily for the third week of our preaching series 'Your Calling'. Watch Sunday's full Mass here:    • 9am Sunday Mass, July 18, 2021   LIFE GROUP QUESTIONS: 1. Fr. Simon shared that when he was younger he had dreams of becoming a veterinarian or a firefighter, rather than a priest. What dreams did you have for your life when you were younger? 2. Fr. Simon shared that he finds it awkward to talk about the vocation of religious life in the midst of all the issues the church is currently experiencing including: the clergy sex scandal, the Vatican financial crisis and the residential school crisis. What do you experience when you are talking about, or answering questions about your faith? 3. Fr. Simon spoke of 2 possible reactions to the news of the recent scandals 1. Distance ourselves from the institution 2. Defend the church Which reaction most resonates with you? 4. Fr. Simon suggests a 3rd option for how we could respond to the residential school crisis and other scandals by trying to look above the earthly noise and to discern God’s voice. He suggests asking God questions such as: a. What are you saying? b. How do you understand this? c. What do you want me to do? How do you feel about that approach? 5. “Woe to you shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture…...it is you who have scattered my flock, and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. So I will attend to you for your evil doings.” Jeremiah 23:1-2 How do you feel about these words? 6. Fr. Simon shared some of the key messages in the gospel included: a. God sees everything b. Shepherds actively destroyed the flock c. God is the ultimate judge d. God is not surprised by our capacity for evil. Which of these messages most resonates with you?