Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion - (Sat. 5 pm) (LIVE) -  March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion - (Sat. 5 pm) (LIVE) - March 24, 2024

Chapters: 1. Video Start 00:00 2. Opening 7:26 3. Gospel at the Procession 9:44 4. Procession 11:30 5. First Reading 14:01 6. Psalm 14:56 7. Second Reading 19:22 8. Passion Reading 22:13 9. Homily 39:25 10. General Intercessions 44:45 11. Liturgy of the Eucharist 48:30 12. Announcements 1:05:24 13. Anniversary Blessings 1:08:25 Opening - Hosanna (Gather 499) Procession - Palm Sunday Processional (Gather 496) Preparatory Hymn - A Celtic Rune / Lord hear our prayer (Gather 664) Communion Song - Take and Eat This Bread (Gather 928) Recessional - What Wondrous Love Is This (Gather 642) Readings: Pray with us: SJM = St. Joseph's Missal Gather = Gather, 3rd Edition Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-702209