SUN MARCH 3 Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Tone 6
SUN MARCH 3 Sunday of the Prodigal Son. Tone 6 Неділя про Блудного Сина. Divine Liturgy. Святa Літургія @ 9:00 AM Epistle 1 Cor. 6:12-20 Gospel Lk. 15:11-32 Panakhyda for the departed members of Buczko and Sawczyszyn families, requested by Jaroslava Buczko and the family. +++ Visit https://smuocnb.org for full schedule. © St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 2024 Official Accounts: Church Calendar ► https://smuocnb.org/index.php/calendar/ Facebook ► / smuocnbct Twitter ► / smuochurch Instagram ► / smuoc +++ #smuoc #StMarysUkrainianOrthodoxChurch #ukrainianorthodox #orthodoxchurch #uocofusa #broadcast #live #Livestream #worship #online #SMUOC_videoarchive_2024