Game Master Comes to Our House! Dad Chases GM Away!

Game Master Comes to Our House! Dad Chases GM Away!

Game Master in Our House! The Game Master won't seem to leave us alone and today we go to leave the house and instead find ourselves stuck inside! Our front door was covered with stacks of boxes and we couldn't escape. Game Master is back and he locked us inside our house with all of the giant mystery boxes. Dad tried to chase after him but he was too quick! We were able to get all the boxes inside and they were full of giant legos!! Check out our other Channels!!! Beyond Family: Madison and Beyond: John Beyond:    / @johnbeyond   Preston Beyond:    / @prestonbeyond   Gamer Trinity:    / @realgamertrinity   Gamer Madison:    / @realgamermadison   Follow Us: TikTok:   / johnbeyond   IG:   /   FaceBook:   / trinityandbeyond   About Trinity and Beyond: Hey guys! Thanks for visiting our YouTube Channel! This channel stars Trinity and her whole YouTube Family with Madison, Dad, Mom, and Preston! This is a fun channel made for the whole family to watch together! We do lots of good exciting videos that are tons of fun for everyone; in real life character scavenger hunts, pranks, family challenges, and more! Thanks again for visiting our channel! #trinityandbeyond #beyondfamily #trinityandmadison #gamemaster