New World ► Ultimate PVX Weapon Guide - All Skills & Passives, Everything You Need To Know (2021)
05/11/2021 Over a year of planning and today is the day we break down every single weapon introduced into New World so far. Showcasing every animation, every passive of every skill and a full breakdown for each and every weapon & skill tree. This is your one stop shop for the Ultimate Guide to every single weapon in New World. 45 minutes of pure detail featuring weapon combo recommendations, skill choices, pros & cons, hidden weapon mechanics, and more. As always, diving right into this huge topic of everything you need to learn about New World's Weapon System and every Weapon we have so far. We'll keep this subject updated as we go! Amazon New World Playlist - • Amazon's New World MMO - News & Infor... New World: This is Aeternum Trailer - • New World: This Is Aeternum Trailer -... New World (Icebound Update) - https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/a... Timestamps: 00:00 - Beginning 00:08 - Introduction 01:20 - Sword & Shield 06:32 - Rapier 10:39 - Hatchet 15:39 - Spear 18:39 - Greataxe 22:04 - Warhammer 25:25 - Bow 29:06 - Musket 33:29 - Fire Staff 37:22 - Life Staff 40:45 - Ice Gauntlet 44:27 - Conclusion Sign up for Closed Beta - https://www.newworld.com/en-us #NewWorldMMORPG #Guide #SpecialEvent #Amazon #AmrineExpedition #newworld2021 #MMO #MMORPG #Gaming #Alpha #NewWorld #AmazonNewWorld #SerMedieval #cursenetwork Join forces with scores of other players to form powerful companies of craftspeople, mercenaries, prospectors and architects. Claim territories and leverage your dominion to consolidate power and compel loyalty. Fight for survival against enemy raiders, brutal wilderness, and gathering evil. Craft hundreds of items, from magical elixirs and deadly weapons to sprawling fortifications. Special thanks to Patrons: Loth, E M, Stephen, slaier, decadentia84, xSheep873, And Top 20 Channel Members - Hallskar joel plante Jc Ultra YoungReign Diamond Hands naughtonpaul23 Skitzo Willem Iets Marius Balčiūnas Laron Bradley Odseus Phil Socoloff Nypam DiaTribal emarks26 Silv Rosario Daniel Dubé Manuel Pimentel CatherineRose blackthantos Feldon T johnzohead Scarlett Be sure to slice that like, subscribe, and turn on notifications - And special thanks to all of you. Can't express that enough.