Spirit filled Luganda Praise & Worship | Apostle Grace Lubega and Phaneroo Choir

Spirit filled Luganda Praise & Worship | Apostle Grace Lubega and Phaneroo Choir

Enjoy this heart warming Luganda Praise session with Apostle Grace Lubega and the Phaneroo Choir during the Jinja Crusade. Songs like: 1. Yesu Mulungi, 2. Ebigaanye bimukwaase 3. Ketshepile wena 4. Ankoledde' birungi nayimba 5. Ntambula ne yesu nga sitya mulabe yena 6. Byona byange 7. Ekile kile And other worship songs that come after. Be blessed by this session Day 3 of the Jinja City Crusade, October 2024. For more content, follow Phaneroo Ministries International on all Social Media platforms ‪@phaneroo‬ #phaneroo #phanerooworship #worshipmusic #apostlegracelubega #dunsinoyekan #jinja