How to Download and Install BSL Shaders for Minecraft 1.21.4
Links - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/... https://www.irisshaders.dev/download I'll show how to install BSL Shaders for minecraft 1.21.4 To get started, follow the link and download the required version of shaders for our minecraft. We also need to have Iris shaders loaded. You can find and download it using the second link in the description. You can see how to download it in one of my videos on the channel. After you have installed it, enter Minecraft with Iris. Now we go to the options. And then to the video settings. Here we go into shader packs. And then click to open the shaders folder . After that, we simply transfer the shader pack that we downloaded earlier to the folder. Now back to the game. Here we choose this shader pack and click apply. All. Now our shaders are working. The shaders themselves look very nice. Thanks for watching the video. Goodbye.