Fíjense que espíritu no tiene carne ni huesos / See that a ghost does not have flesh and bones

Fíjense que espíritu no tiene carne ni huesos / See that a ghost does not have flesh and bones

"Tóquenme y fíjense que un espíritu no tiene carne ni huesos" / "Touch me and see that a ghost does not have flesh and bones" -- Madre Paula predica / Madre Paula preaches -- Our Saviour / Nuestro Salvador Sermon Series -- 18 April 2021 (Tercer Domingo de Pascua / Third Sunday of Easter). Want to hear more? Join us every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM for a Youtube Livestream of our Sunday Liturgy and 11:30 AM for a Youtube Livestream of our Sunday School. OUR VISION – an effective, multicultural community of ministers, fulfilling OUR MISSION – to make justice happen – to love compassion – to walk observantly with God NUESTRA VISIÓN – una comunidad efectiva y multi-cultural de ministros, cumpliendo. NUESTRA MISIÓN – hacer la justicia – querer la compasión – andar atentamente con Dios. DIGITAL CHURCH/IGLESIA DIGITAL Livestreams & audio podcasts/transmisiones en vivo y podcasts de audio: https://oursaviournuestrosalvador.blo... The ministries of our church continue. Thank you to those who continue to support our work. Offerings can be mailed to the church at / Nuestros ministerios continúan. ¡Gracias a aquellos que continúan apoyando nuestro trabajo! Se puede enviar ofrendas a: Church of Our Saviour 65 East Hollister St Cincinnati, OH 45219 TO GIVE ONLINE/PARA CONTRIBUIR EN LÍNEA: https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/Church... CONNECT WITH US/CONÉCTATE CON NOSOSTROS: – Phone: (513) 241-1870 – Email: [email protected] – Web: https://www.churchofoursaviourcincinn... – Youtube:    / @oursaviournuestrosalvador   – Instagram:   / oursaviournuestrosalvador   – Facebook Page:   / oursaviournuestrosalvador   – Facebook Group:   / churchofoursaviour.la.iglesiadenuestrosalv...   – Transformations CDC:   / 621542117877767   – Lives United/Vidas Unidas:   / livesunited   – Friends of the Organ:   / friendsoftheorgan