Body Mass Index (BMI) is finally being questioned.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is finally being questioned.

See all the Healthcasts at Bio Balance Health uses other forms of measurement to determine body composition, and to diagnose healthy weight, versus overweight and obesity. BMI is a calculation of healthy weight, overweight, and obesity using just two parameters: Height and Weight. The US government endorses and uses this measurement in many ways to manage citizens, categorize them and even pay their salaries. The AMA has been using this as a measurement of body health for decades. As of July 2023, the AMA is rejecting this measurement of health and illness. Calculate your BMI Go to and you can calculate your own BMI. The Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator can be used to calculate BMI value and corresponding weight status while taking age into consideration. Use the "Metric Units" tab for the International System of Units or the "Other Units" tab to convert units into either US or metric units. Note that the calculator also computes the Ponderal Index in addition to BMI, both of which are discussed below in detail. BMI introduction BMI is a measurement of a person's leanness or corpulence based on their height and weight and is intended to quantify tissue mass. It is widely used as a general indicator of whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height. Specifically, the value obtained from the calculation of BMI is used to categorize whether a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese depending on what range the value falls between. These ranges of BMI vary based on factors such as region and age and are sometimes further divided into subcategories such as severely underweight or very severely obese. Being overweight or underweight can have significant health effects, so while BMI is an imperfect measure of healthy body weight, it is a useful indicator of whether any additional testing or action is required. Refer to the table below to see the different categories based on BMI that are used by the calculator. BioBalance Doctors and Nurses have understood the fallacy of using BMI to judge whether a patient is overweight or not for decades, but the AMA and medical specialty societies have defended its use for as long as I have been in medical practice. However, BMI is a crude way to evaluate patients for obesity and we use a more accurate measure, a true body composition from an InBody® machine to determine exactly how much fat, muscle, and water our patients are made of and if they need to lose fat for their health. This true measurement of body composition gives us an accurate measurement of your percent body fat, weight of your muscle and your visceral fat (belly fat) measurement. You may say, “so what?”, but I’ll give you a few examples of how BMI is an INACCURATE measurement to follow for healthcare and for insurance, and other agencies that require employees to be a certain weight for their height. In my practice I take care of two men whose height is exactly the same, 5-10 (70 inches), both weigh 200 lbs., and they both have a BMI of 28.69 which is considered overweight (normal is less than 25). However, the two men are very different in their body compositions and therefore their health risks: Man number one has very little muscle and 30% body fat and is overweight and therefore is at risk for diseases that accompany obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. Man number two has a very muscular build with heavy bones and has a body fat of 19% and looks lean and is healthy and is not at risk for hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. The BMI makes them the same, and therefore their doctors and employers consider them the same for insurance, treatment of their illnesses and categorization in medical studies that determine the qualities that put patients at risk for diseases. Therefore, BMI is a very bad measurement to judge whether a person is at risk for diseases of obesity. The medical industry is big and slow, and this measurement will not be replaced with something else in the near future, however this gives you a basis for challenging the measurement as a basis for promotion, or a reason to deny you insurance or charge you more for insurance. At Bio balance® Health we have used % body fat and abdominal visceral fat determined by a body composition machine (InBody) as our only measurements to determine future risk, and to determine whether someone requires weight loss treatment or not.