Evening Playtime on the Family's 1.20 Minecraft Realm - January 28, 2024

Evening Playtime on the Family's 1.20 Minecraft Realm - January 28, 2024

Thanks for Watching! more work on our Scarland souvenir exhibit! Visit my Twitch at   / alien_sunset   *** If not playing music directly from a game, all music played on twitch streams is by Purrple Cat: https://youtube.purrplecat.com (track name is displayed in the lower right hand corner) *** Modloader: Fabric Optimization: Better Beds, C2ME, Dynamic FPS, Enhanced Block Entities, Entity Culling, Ferrite Core, Immediately Fast, Indium, Lithium, Lazy DFU, Memory Leak Fix, ModernFix, Sodium & Sodium Extras, Shader Support: Iris Video Making: Bobby, OBS, Replay Mod, Shotcut Other Misc Mods: Advancement Info, Apple Skin, Cat Jam, Chat Heads, Continuity, Death Log, Detail Armor Bar, EMF, ETF, FabricSkyBoxes, Flower Map, Inventory Profiles Next, Item Scroller, LambDynamicLights, Litematica, MiniHud, ModMenu, More Chat History, Pet Owner, REI, Skin Shuffle, Status, Symbol Chat, Tweakaroo, Xaero's Mini & World Map Shaders: none Resource Packs: Classic Faithful 32x texture pack, Totem by Fortune Cat by Haisuki, Classic Faithful Emissive Textures by Zeuselpro, Various Vanilla Tweaks (Vanillatweaks.net), Pride Pack by PrideCraft Studios, Custom edit of Dramatic Skies by thebaum64 (when not using shaders), & a custom personal pack by a friend which is sadly not available to the public. Armor Statues Book Datapack by Mukitanuki: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/... *** Thank You for considering me as a member of your SMP! But, I do have a few Criteria for servers I am willing to join: ** Player age range 20+ or better yet, 30+ ** Java ** NOT Bukkit, Spigot or Paper/Purpur – Fabric is Much Better overall for performance and vanilla behavior, especially if you use the Caffeine performance mods. (Lithium & Phosphor) ** Normal or Hard difficulty only – some of my farms don't work as well, or don't work at all in easy and peaceful ** No Greifing or Killing without consent ** Allows my usual list of Client Side Mods (see above) ** Uses these Vanilla Tweaks (https://vanillatweaks.net/) Datapacks: Armor Statues (updated version available at the creator, Mukitanuki's, Curseforge) Multiplayer Sleep Player Head Drops Anti Enderman Greifing More Mob Heads Wandering Trades Craftable Bundles ** Other Vanilla Tweaks Crafting Tweaks that are nice but not necessary: Back to Blocks Dropper to Dispenser Rotten Flesh to Leather Charcoal to Black Dye Universal Dying *** -- Watch live at   / alien_sunset