Sowing Edible Plants in Zone 6 🌱🌱🌱|Garden Entity|
🌱Winter Sowing video:    • Winter Sowing in Zone 6 - Step By Ste...  🌱Pruning the Boxwoods:    • Pruning the Boxwoods!🌳🌳🌳|Garden Entity|  🎶Many thanks to 🌸@joyfulfrequencies5391 for the background music!🎶 🌱Hey guys, good morning, welcome back to my channel! Starting my spring adventure with some exciting seed starting and garden planning for my edible landscape. 🌿 I'm exploring seed organization techniques while focusing on growing vegetables in shade areas, drawing endless garden inspiration from my friend in the mountains. Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - Sunflower 00:39 - Bunching Onions 00:49 - Burnet 01:07 - Fava Beans 01:30 - Calabash 02:05 - Boxwood Cuttings Update 03:15 - Miniature Greenhouses 03:23 - Sowing Sunflowers 04:06 - Sowing Bunching Onions 04:28 - Sowing Buret 04:55 - Sowing Fava Beans 05:07 - Sowing Calabash 05:20 - Outro ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ #gardenentity #calabash #lagerania #sunflower #helianthus #bunchingonion #onion #onions #allium #burnet #sanguisorba #favabeans #viciafaba #SeedCollection #GardenMagic #ColorfulHarvest #SeedPreservation #FloralWonders #PlantBounty #GardeningAdventure #SeedHarvesting #NatureInspiration #GardenTreasures #BotanicalBeauty #GrowFromSeed #BlossomingGarden #VibrantFlora #GardenGoals #SustainableGardening #DIYSeeds #GardenElegance #BloomAndGrow #organizing #organizingseeds #organizer #seed #seeds #hoto #tutorial #diy #garden #gardens #gardening #wintersowing #howtowintersow #wintersow #plantingseeds #planting #plant #plants #perennials #howtoplant #howto #diy #tutorial #zone6 #wintergardening #inthegarden