03/16/2025 - The Second Sunday in Lent - 10:30 am Contemporary Worship Service

03/16/2025 - The Second Sunday in Lent - 10:30 am Contemporary Worship Service

03/16/2025 - The Second Sunday in Lent - 10:30 am Contemporary Worship Service Theme for Worship: This morning, as we celebrate Jesus Resurrection, we’ll look at role models in our lives who have given us something to imitate. Paul encourages His friends in Philippi to imitate him and the other Christian leaders with him. We’ll also take comfort when we fail to imitate Christ and receive His forgiveness earned for us on the cross. Thank you for joining us for worship. We pray that you have a blessed week! If you would like to support our ministry, please consider donating here - https://immanueldekalb.com/online-don...