5 Lucky Foods Cooked and Prepared for Chinese New Year's Day

5 Lucky Foods Cooked and Prepared for Chinese New Year's Day

Cooked and prepared 5 Lucky Foods for CHinese New Year's Day for our family get-together. Sticky Rice Cake Veggie Dumplings Fried Pancit Canton Mango Sago (Dessert) Fresh Orange (fruit) #luckyfood #cooking #foodideas #philippines #chinesefood #chinesefoodlover #chinesenewyear #philippines #newyear2023 #newyear #foodlovers #chinesenewyear #chinesenewyear2023 #pancit #pancitrecipe #friedpancit #chinesetradition #mangorecipe #mangosago #mangosagodessert #orange #ricecake #ricecakerecipe stickyricecake #tikoy #cookingvideo #dumplings #dumplingrecipe #chinesedumpling #chinesedumplings #veggierecipe