48 Laws Of Power Law #12 Use Selective Honesty & Generosity To Disarm Your Victim Cliff Notes Greene
In summary Law #12 from Robert Greene's book "The 48 Laws of Power" is "Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victim." The law advises to use honesty and generosity strategically in order to gain the trust and loyalty of others, and to put them in a vulnerable position where they are more likely to comply with your requests or demands. The idea is that by being honest and generous, you can create an atmosphere of trust and goodwill that can make it easier to achieve your goals. However, the law also advises to be selective in the truth you tell and the generosity you show, and not to disclose all your intentions or give away all your resources. A timely gift - a Trojan horse - will serve the same purpose. #48lawsofpower #robertgreenebooks #cliffnotes