Yoga for Marathon Runners (and Everyone Else!) 50 Minute Yoga Class - Five Parks Yoga
Tricia recently completed a marathon on the Mesa in Grand Junction (placing first) and advised me and joined me for this yoga class designed to support runners and what they confront during training and after running. Thanks Tricia! Begin with deep breathing, followed by deep neck stretches in all directions. Continue loosening up the spine with cats/cows, followed by the spinal elongating pose of Childs pose, which additionally stretches the hips and ankles, as you twist the spine in a shoulder opener. Every runner’s favorite stretch, Toes Pose, brings some serious heat into the toes, soles of the feet, shins and ankles. This pose is imperative for all runners who need to keep their feet healthy and flexible. Following this 10 minute warm up, move into the full body stretches of downward dog and rag doll and monkey. Ignite the core in plank pose, plank rocks and chaturangas. Stretch the large muscles in the legs with lunges, forward folds, high cobra, wide legged low lunge and half splits. Activate the glutes and quadriceps in chair and twisting chair. Go even deeper into your leg stretches with skandasana (side lunges) and standing straddle splits before building heat and flexibility in squat before the deep release of pigeon pose. Continue to stretch the hips in fire log pose. Receive the benefits of opening the hip flexors while strengthening the low back and glutes in bridge pose. Reclined poses stretch the hip flexors, hamstrings, IT band, and inner thighs. Enjoy the incredibly restorative posture of legs up the wall pose before resting in Savasana pose. Rindo and Daisy steal the show in this class! Enjoy the benefits of yoga to keep you healthy and active in your other activities. 💭 💕 WELL? WHAT DID YOU THINK? Did you like this free yoga class? Help Us Out and click that LIKE Button, and if you're really feeling the love, leave us a 📝 comment below. We'd LOVE 💕 to hear from you! NEW! Want to send someone a personalized message from Erin for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or just about any other reason! Now you can with her partnership with Cameo! Learn more at: https://www.cameo.com/fiveparksyoga 😍 LOVE ERIN'S CLASSES? Would you like to help us create more free yoga classes? FOR REAL, It Matters. Even a small contribution can make a significant impact when combined with others in the community! http://fiveparksyoga.com/support/ 💝 WANT TO HELP SUPPORT FIVE PARKS YOGA? We have had a goal to make Five Parks Yoga our exclusive focus and only career for almost 10 years now. We are right at the doorstep to making this decade-long dream become a reality, and with your help, we can continue to produce high-quality, free yoga classes on Youtube and host one-of-a-kind yoga retreats around the world. If you feel like you are getting some value out of our classes, and if (and ONLY if) you have the means to donate a dollar or two, we would be grateful for your help on our journey to more classes and new content even faster. You can make a one-time donation or subscribe to one of our support options starting at just $1 per month. We invite you to show your support if you feel like spreading the love and discover more information by visiting: http://fiveparksyoga.com/support/ QUICK 💕 WAYS TO SUPPORT FPY RIGHT NOW: Patreon Supporter: / fiveparksyoga YouTube Membership: https://www.youtube.com/fiveparksyoga... ✈ 🌴 YOGA RETREATS IN COSTA RICA & MORE 🌎 Join Erin in Costa Rica! Learn more about Erin's upcoming yoga retreats! So Many yoga retreats coming soon it's crazy! http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ 🌴🍹 As a Five Parks Yoga subscriber, you can enjoy exclusive discounts on private rentals of Casa Colorado, the vacation rental house where we film most of our classes. Visit https://fiveparksyoga.com/casacolorado/ for more information. 📅 ⚔ HOW ABOUT A FREE 30-DAY YOGA CHALLENGE? Challenge yourself with one of our complimentary 30-Day Yoga Challenges. Can you stick with it for a whole month? Learn more at https://fiveparksyoga.com/challenges/. 🌸✨ ABOUT THIS FREE YOGA CLASS Yoga Instructor: Erin Sampson Location: Arvada, Colorado Visit us Online: http://FiveParksYoga.com Follow us on Facebook: / fiveparksyoga Follow us on Instagram: / fiveparksyoga Follow us on Tick Tock: / fiveparksyoga Follow us on YouTube: / fiveparksyoga Find Erin on Cameo: https://www.cameo.com/fiveparksyoga Sign up for news about Erin's upcoming yoga retreats! http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ Do you have a class request for Erin? Let her know! http://fiveparksyoga.com/classrequest/ Curious about the equipment, cameras, and microphones we use to film classes? https://fiveparksyoga.com/equipment/ Thank you for supporting Five Parks Yoga, produced by Tamarindo Films at http://tamarindofilms.com/.