Growing garlic at keep the vampires away

Growing garlic at keep the vampires away

Growing garlic at home from cloves is a pretty low maintenance crop for your vegetable garden, once you get it in the ground you can pretty much forget about it until next summer. Meg @meggrowsplants and I thought it would be fun to share our spooky tradition of planting our garlic on Halloween (to keep the vampires away of course!) in case you wanted to join in on the fun too. But if you want to grow garlic in your garden successfully there's a few things you can do - from site selection to soil prep to how deep to plant garlic to protect the garlic cloves from a hard freeze - that will allow you to have the best possible garlic harvest from your garden. Will you be planting garlic with us this Halloween? DAGNY GROWS Music Hardneck Garlic MEG GROWS Silver White Italian Late Music from #Uppbeat License code: PNUE9LFJQ6IAR86E License code: JCLHMRUOO4PJ3EXP #growgarlic #growyourown #gardeningvideos #halloween