Big Cystic Acne Blackheads Extraction Blackheads & Milia, Whiteheads Removal Pimple Popping #002

Big Cystic Acne Blackheads Extraction Blackheads & Milia, Whiteheads Removal Pimple Popping #002

Thanks to my patient for sharing her procedure. This is a common presentation that I see. Teenagers produce a lot of sebum (oil) on the skin and sometimes that can mix with dead skin cells on the surface and produce keratin plugs (blackheads). These clogged pores can be itchy and irritating and sometimes advance to become a cyst or small abscess. It’s good to have them extracted by a professional and start proper medications to reduce refill. #dermatology #education #skincare #medical #physicianassistant #skincareroutine #acne #blackheads #extraction #popaholic #mrpopzit #mrpopzitlive Check out my other channels