Crosspoint Church // What if? Episode 9 // Steve Redden // Oct 29, 2023
Crosspoint Church // What if? Episode 9 // Steve Redden // Oct 29, 2023 We are so glad you're joining us! Sit back and relax, service will start in just a bit! // We Are All Kinds of People Discovering and Following Jesus// Connection Card: https://bit.ly/2RdQv1w Give Online: https://pushpay.com/g/crosspointchurc... Get Help: https://bit.ly/3bUUGaK Give Help: https://bit.ly/2wRIyZb CONNECT WITH US: Facebook: / gotocrosspoint Instagram: / gotocrosspoint YouTube Channel: / crosspointchurchtemecula GET THE NOTES: Note Sheets in DOC and PDF: https://bit.ly/2KixyHo Kids Note Sheets: http://bit.ly/CPKNotes CROSSPOINT KIDS: Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/2y9mbym YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2yp4nQc CROSSPOINT YOUTH: YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2ytd1gh High School Ministry Instagram: / crosspointhsm