Energy Alignment 4: Yoga for Heart Chakra - Flow, Vinyasa, Power, Yin, Restorative
This long practice is part of an Energy Alignment series, designed to balance your 7 core energy centres. A sequence of Flow, Yin and Restorative poses married with breathwork is designed to help you open through the heart and release tension through the shoulders and neck. Heart Chakra empowers us through our ability to access freedom in vulnerability, strength through our softness. Modifications offered, suitable for all levels. Tips Have a block or a thick hard book ready to help you balance if required Bend knees and take variations as required, choose kindness! Rest as required Do the video more than once to gain better awareness Make sure you are well hydrated before and after the practice Enjoy! and please remember to Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe to support this channel :) Heart Chakra is the energy centre connected with our ability to give and receive unconditional positive regard, for ourselves and others. When healthy, this energy centre results in kind, harmonious, caring and mutually satisfying relationships with ourselves and others; we feel free. Indicators that Heart Chakra needs care and attention include shoulder or chest pain, a feeling of a weight on your chest, disconnection from emotions, over-rationalisation, times of prolonged grief, heartbreak, a habit of self-deprecation or contempt. Types of Yoga Hatha Flow Vinyasa Yin Restorative Pranayam (breathwork) Time Stamps 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:22 Grounding & Heartspace Awareness: Seated shoulder and chest warm-up, Praying Child's Pose, Annahatasan/ Puppy Pose, Thread-the-Needle, Downward Facing Dog, Ragdoll 00:15:12 Sun A variation: mini-backbend, swan dive to fold 00:22:11 Sun B Variation: open-hearted chair, bound flow through Warrior 1 & Warrior 2 00:33:11 Low Crescent Lunge, Bound Heart-Opening Crescent, Twisted Crescent Lunge (Held & Flow) 00:38:55 Closed Child 00:41:40 Ustrasan/ Camel Pose 00:47:11 Supported Butterfly 00:55:11 Rebound 00:56:33 Caterpillar 1:01:00 Easy Twist Flow, Ananda Balasan/ Happy Baby, Sacral Seed 1:06:00 Savasan/ Corpse Pose Journal prompts Three things I am grateful for today are... What emotions am I feeling right now? (hint: tired is not an emotion.) If unsure, Google search "emotion dictionary" for a list of helpful emotion descriptors! How would I like to be cared for and appreciated? How do I do this for myself? How would I treat myself differently if I were my own best partner? What can I change to be more in alignment with how I want to love and receive love? a) in what choose to do? b) in how I choose to think? Affirmations "I am loveable" "I freely give and receive love in all forms" Disclaimer This video is intended for entertainment purposes only. Yoga is an ancient Indian practice and philosophy for health in body, mind and spirit. The teacher in this video has learned from teachers and text across the world and ages to bring you his/her own interpretation. Nothing in this video is intended as advice, whether medical, financial, legal or otherwise. Any action you take in watching this video is at your own risk. Any illegal reproduction of this content will result in immediate legal action.