Vocalist's First Reaction to The Tabernacle Choir (ft. The Piano Guys) | Double Reaction
#THETABERNACLECHOIR #THEPIANOGUYS #ROADTO200K For requests: Join the Patreon family at / thecharliesmithchannel Here you will have access to every corner of the channel including exclusive reactions not found on YouTube, early access to ALL reactions, your name in the credits at the end of every video, and 4 chances to be picked to make a request every month. For those who would like to donate for a one-off special request then you can do so via: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted... My reaction to The Tabernacle Choir ft. The Piano Guys - Wayfaring Stranger & Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing @thetabernaclechoir @thepianoguys Original Video: • Wayfaring Stranger | The Tabernacle C... • Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing | ... Lets get to 200k subs Follow me on: Instagram - / thecharliesmithchannel TikTok - / thecharliesmithchannel Twitter - @CSGangHangout I love y'all Get Wait by Matt Goodman, Matthew Bento and over 1M + mainstream tracks here https://go.lickd.co/Music License ID: DlRqePkWRQN