Mar. 27, 2022 service live-stream - The Father's Loving Heart - 4th Sunday in Lent
Today’s service folder can be found at this link: http://standrewchicago.org/wp-content... . The service folder contains all the hymns, Bible readings, and spoken parts for this service. If you’re able, please also join us in church at 10:45 (Sunday a.m., Central Time) for Sunday school for kids and Bible study for adults. If you're not able to join us in church for adult Bible study but would like to join online, please contact us: http://standrewchicago.org/ . This Sunday in adult Bible study, we continue a series on “Jesus’ Parables and ‘I Am’ Statements.” Feel free to join us whenever you are able; don’t worry if you’re not there every Sunday – you’ll be able to jump in easily at any point. And, don’t worry if you’d prefer not to read or answer a question; that is all totally voluntary. We're so glad you could join us for this live-stream worship service! Please join us in our church building in the future, if you're able. Go to our church website for more information: http://standrewchicago.org/ . Or, if you're not able to join us in our church building because you don't live nearby, please look up and attend a church of our fellowship in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) or Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS); you can find the closest location to you here: https://yearbook.wels.net/unitsearch . If you're not able either to join us in our church building or attend another WELS or ELS church, please join us here again on our YouTube channel for future worship services, or watch past services: / @standrewchicago Thank you for joining us, and may God bless your worship and meditation on his Word! (Music and liturgy used under OneLicense # A-714339 and CCLI license # 20019508. Scripture readings are from the Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV), copyright 2019 by the Wartburg Project, www.wartburgproject.org .)