Break Time - July 3, 2022 - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with fr. Roberto Luanzon, Jr., O.P.

Break Time - July 3, 2022 - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time with fr. Roberto Luanzon, Jr., O.P.

(Originally uploaded July 2, 2022) To be a devoted follower of Christ is not an easy task for it requires faith and tons of sacrifices. However, the Apostles put into action their desire to spread the Word of the Lord, which led to the establishment of this same Church that presently binds us in one faith. Let us reflect with fr. Roberto L. Luanzon, Jr., O.P. as he shares with us how we can fulfill our Christian mission in our own ways in this episode of Break Time. #DominicansPH #BreakTime #GospelReflection