Himalaya Cystone Syrup Use Side Effects Dose and Price | Cystone for Kidney Stone & UTI

Himalaya Cystone Syrup Use Side Effects Dose and Price | Cystone for Kidney Stone & UTI

Himalaya Cystone Syrup Use Side Effects Dose and Price composition explained here in hindi | Cystone syrup for Kidney Stone & UTI . Himalaya Cystone Syrup is a natural choice in urinary calculi and UTI. It contains majorly Small Caltrops and Pasanabheda. Cystone syrup is also used for the prevention and treatment of kidney stone formation. It helps reduce the presence of crystals in urine removal of kidney stones and recurrence of stones. It can also be used as adjuvant in chronic UTI and painful urination. #himalayacystone #cystonesyrup #stone #kidneystone #uti #urinarytractinfection #himalayacystoneuse