How To Paint Rims FAST and CHEAP! (Best Method)

How To Paint Rims FAST and CHEAP! (Best Method)

This video is a full tutorial on how to paint rims. Whether you want to change the look of your car or repair damaged rims like the ones in this video, painting your rims can solve the problem. Today we look into how its done. Materials Needed: Jack Jack stands Lug wrench Soap and water 220 and 400 grit sandpaper Hair dryer or leaf blower Microfiber cloth and rubbing alcohol 2" painters tape Deck of cards you do not need -Trash bags or plywood DupliColor filler primer Automotive primer Automotive rim paint (from paint shop) Automotive clear coat Steps: Remove wheels from car with jack, stands, and lug wrench Wash each rim thoroughly with soap and water and let dry Sand each rim with 220 grit sandpaper, then 400 grit Blow away debris with leaf blower or hair dryer Wipe down with microfiber and rubbing alcohol Place rims on top of trash bags or plywood in painting location Place cards around edges to protect tire from paint Place painters tape over valve stems to protect from paint Apply one coat of filler primer to face of rims, 1 hr dry Apply two coats of automotive primer to face and barrel, 1 hr dry Apply two coats of automotive paint to face and barrel, `1-2 hr dry Apply two to three thick coats of clear coat, 5 hour dry between, 1 day dry after final coat If you found this helpful, please like the video and subscribe to the channel! Thanks for watching and have a great day.