What if we become Transparent? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com What if we become Transparent? AumSum is already transparent. Ha! Ha! Ha. Let me tell you what else might happen. Ok! I am listening. Employees might get very happy. And, Bosses might get very unhappy. You're right AumSum. Ok! My Turn. Cops will be extremely delighted. But, why is that AumSum? Because, catching thieves red-handed would be very easy now. Nice one AumSum. Ok! Last one. People who are under pressure to follow a strict diet will be very happy. Hmm, why AumSum? Because, they can now sneak into kitchens and have their favorite foods. Good one AumSum. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we become Transparent? 1:08 - Why is glass transparent? 2:12 - What if Oceans were Transparent?