Periodic Table One Shot for JEE Mains 2025 | With All Exceptions
Topic Covered : periodic table, alkali metals, periodic table one shot, periodic table class 11 one shot, periodic table one shot jee, periodic table jee, periodic table class 11, periodic properties one shot, ionic radius, periodic properties one shot jee, periodic classification of elements class 11, jee mains 2025, ionisation enthalpy class 11, ionisation enthalpy, ionization enthalpy, atomic radius, iit jee, inorganic chemistry one shot, all exceptions of inorganic chemistry, jee 2025 Telegram Channel Link : https://t.me/simplyyconcise (Important Updates, PDF, Announcements) The Simply Concise Crash Course • The "Simply Concise" Crash Course | J... DM us on Instagram: / simplyyy_concise