32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Saturday, Nov 6th 2021 4pm Vigil Mass at St Rose Anthem AZ
You can download this weekend's worship aide and spiritual communion prayer here: https://bit.ly/2UtMSH7 We know this is a difficult time for all of us. Not only are people worried about their health and the health of their family, but many people also have financial concerns. We, the Community of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne and Good Shepherd Mission, have these same financial concerns. As you know the majority of a parish’s money comes from the Sunday collection. If you are able to, we humbly ask that you still consider contributing during this difficult time. You can either mail your donation, or drop it off at the Parish Office. If you prefer you can sign up for Online Giving here: https://stroseparishaz.weshareonline.org Call the Parish Office if you need assistance setting it up. Thank you so much for your consideration to help our spiritual home in this time of uncertainty.