The Sin Offering (Leviticus 4:22-5:13)

The Sin Offering (Leviticus 4:22-5:13)

The Old Testament Offerings (3): The Sin Offering (Leviticus 4:22-5:13) by Rev. Angus Stewart I. The Need for the Sin Offering II. The Name of the Sin Offering III. The Newness of the Sin Offering Psalms: 130:1-8; 119:17-24; 19:9-14; 119:57-64 Scripture: Leviticus 4:22-5:13 Psalm 130:1-8 1 Lord, from the depths to thee I cried. 2 My voice, Lord, do thou hear: Unto my supplication’s voice give an attentive ear. 3 Lord, who shall stand, if thou, O Lord, should’st mark iniquity? 4 But yet with thee forgiveness is, that feared thou mayest be. 5 I wait for God, my soul doth wait, my hope is in his word. 6 More than they that for morning watch, my soul waits for the Lord; I say, more than they that do watch the morning light to see. 7 Let Israel hope in the Lord, for with him mercies be; And plenteous redemption is ever found with him. 8 And from all his iniquities he Isr’el shall redeem. Psalm 119:17-24 17 With me thy servant, in thy grace, deal bountifully, Lord; That by thy favour I may live, and duly keep thy word. 18 Open mine eyes, that of thy law the wonders I may see. 19 I am a stranger on this earth, hide not thy laws from me. 20 My soul within me breaks, and doth much fainting still endure, Through longing that it hath all times unto thy judgments pure. 21 Thou hast rebuked the cursed proud, who from thy precepts swerve. 22 Reproach and shame remove from me, for I thy laws observe. 23 Against me princes spake with spite, while they in council sat: But I thy servant did upon thy statutes meditate. 24 My comfort, and my heart’s delight, thy testimonies be; And they, in all my doubts and fears, are counsellors to me Psalm 19:9-14 9 Unspotted is the fear of God, and doth endure for ever: The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. 10 They more than gold, yea, much fine gold, to be desired are: Than honey, honey from the comb that droppeth, sweeter far. 11 Moreover, they thy servant warn how he his life should frame: A great reward provided is for them that keep the same. 12 Who can his errors understand? O cleanse thou me within 13 From secret faults. Thy servant keep from all presumptuous sin: And do not suffer them to have dominion over me: Then, righteous and innocent, I from much sin shall be. 14 The words which from my mouth proceed, the thoughts sent from my heart, Accept, O Lord, for thou my strength and my Redeemer art. Psalm 119:57-64 57 Thou my sure portion art alone, which I did choose, O Lord: I have resolved, and said, that I would keep thy holy word. 58 With my whole heart I did entreat thy face and favor free: According to thy gracious word be merciful to me. 59 I thought upon my former ways, and did my life well try; And to thy testimonies pure my feet then turned I. 60 I did not stay, nor linger long, as those that slothful are; But hastily thy laws to keep myself I did prepare. 61 Bands of ill men me robbed; yet I thy precepts did not slight. 62 I’ll rise at midnight thee to praise, ev’n for thy judgments right. 63 I am companion to all those who fear, and thee obey. 64 O Lord, thy mercy fills the earth: teach me thy laws, I pray.